What services or expertise do you offer?
What brought you into the world of partnerships and partner-led growth?
I love building (I am huge “zero to one” fan) and I have found this mindset/opportunity in the Partner-led growth dynamic in Europe since a few years (you just have to see the dynamic - number of books, events, communities growing since 2020)
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned working with SaaS partnerships?
Never take a yes for granted - Partnerships are not sales and a contract does not mean a lot. It's the execution of the contract that will be the recipe for success
How do you see the role of partnerships evolving in SaaS?
Partnerships are already a key success factor for most medium and large organizations. As the outbound movement becomes less and less a human relations approach, I expect that prospects will increasingly trust their peers (and partners) when making a decision to purchase a tool.
Can you share an example of a partnership strategy that worked exceptionally well?
Recently - Clay!
What’s the most common mistake SaaS companies make with partnerships?
How do you measure success in partner-led growth?
It depends on your stage and your objectives but it could be revenue, audience visibility, product feedback, market awareness and trust,...
What’s one SaaS partnership trend that excites you right now?
B2B Influencers!
What’s the best partnership you’ve ever witnessed (business or non-business)?
I really love what Pennylane is doing as they have transformed their customers (accountants) into partners
Proud member of Bond Agency Collective